УВАГА! Нова платформа наукового журналу "Зовнішня торгівля: економіка, фінанси, право".
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UDC 339.564:338.433
ROSSOKHA Volodymyr,
Doctor of Economics, professor, The head of chair of marketing and business management
of National University of  “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”
Ph. D. of Economics, senior teacher of chair of accounting and taxation 

of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Background. According to expert estimates, the cumulative impact of Ukraine’s accession to the WTO is positive for national economy. However, liberalization of foreign trade revealed problems of weakening of competitive positions of producers of agricultural food products. In addition, most of the exports of agricultural products have raw character with low added value and the capacity of the domestic market is limited by many factors of specific direction of agribusiness development and state regulation of the industry. The limitation of the capacity of domestic agricultural market reorients the efforts of producers to the export marketing direction, the production of commercial products that are in demand on the world market.
The analysis of recent researches and publications. Domestic scientists pay much attention to such issues as the dynamics, structure, prospects of exports of agricultural food products to the countries of European Union, the structure of agricultural exports, the benefits and problems of grain export from Ukraine, the demand for grain products on the international market, which is formed under the influence of the growth of planet population, geographical structure of Ukrainian exports of agricultural products and others. However, studies of export of agricultural food products that were conducted make it difficult to establish reserves and limitations of export potential of enterprises of agricultural sphere of the economy.
The aim of the article is the analysis of sales activity of agricultural producers, evaluation of the effectiveness of exports of agricultural food products, determination of ways of increasing the export potential of marketing of agricultural enterprises.
Materials and methods. Legislative and normative acts of the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, materials of agricultural enterprises, analytical and review and scientific and methodical publications of this problem which were received as a result of personal research served as information source of the research. To achieve this goal the methods of analysis of time series of agricultural products and sales channels for the comparison, the index method for production volumes in foreign trade, summing up and synthesis conditions for the release of agricultural enterprises on the international market were used.
Results. The consequences of accession to the world trade organization were considered. The capacity of internal food market, its limiting factors and development potential was established. General volumes and product sales channels by agricultural enterprises, structure and balance of export-import agricultural food products for worthy indicators of volume and price index of foreign trade overall and product groups were analyzed. Experience of spreading of the production of organic products is highlighted. The cost of logistics in Ukraine and EU countries is established. Actions of state support of agricultural food products export and recommendations of increasing export potential of agricultural enterprises are prompted.
Conclusion. The priority task of agricultural enterprises on the safety and quality of food products on the basis of certification Global GAP for marketing their products in domestic and foreign agro-food market. A shift from traditional to organic production, whose products are in demand in the European market. The experience spread organic production. Proven importance of certification of organic produce to market participants and the importance of its implementation on the basis of the basic standards of international organizations, used in the production of organic products, and Ukrainian legislation. Established logistics costs in Ukraine and the EU. The measures of state support for exports of agri-food products and recommended increasing the export potential of agricultural marketing enterprises.
Keywords: agricultural enterprises, products, sales channels, export, import, standardization, certification, logistics, market, potential.