УВАГА! Нова платформа наукового журналу "Зовнішня торгівля: економіка, фінанси, право".
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UDC 368.9.06
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, counsel of Kharkiv hydro meteorological technical school of Odessa state environmental University


Background. The research of legal establishment of health insurance in the Ukrainian lands in the late nineteenth century taking into account the development of social legislation of European countries due to the need to use historical and legal experience in the modern conditions of reformation of the health care sector.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Domestic and foreign scientists have studied the problems of legislation formation on health insurance in the context of economic development of Ukrainian lands, peculiarities of functioning of insurance companies.
Theaim of the article is the study of the origin of health insurance system in the context of development of social legislation in Ukrainian lands in the late nineteenth century under the influence of Western Europe.
Materials and methods. The source base for the research is archival documents and scientific works of scientists, normative-legal acts of the authorities of the countries which included the Ukrainian lands in XIX century. The methodological basis consists of the methods: historicism, dialectical and comparative analysis.
The results of the study. It is determined that the development of social legislation in the leading European countries had a positive impact on the development of health insurance in the Ukrainian lands. The Austro-Hungarian Empire, which included Bukovina, Galicia and Transcarpathia, built a better system of insurance than the Russian Empire. It is proved that social insurance, including medical assistance on Ukrainian lands, was sufficiently developed, as included the application of foreign experience.
Conclusion. The characteristic features of influence of foreign countries on the development of medical insurance in Ukraine in the XIX century were revealed. They include: the introduction of health insurance; distributing of insurance on railway workers and employees of mining companies; creating of mutual funds, which conducted the collection of insurance premiums; guarantee the rights of the insured in the event of an accident; providing control over the activities of employees.
Keywords: medical insurance, social legislation, social security, the historical-legal aspect, Ukrainian lands.