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UDC 005.591.6
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Management Department,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
NAIDIUK Vitaliy,
General Director, Kyivenergoholding, PJSC, Kyiv 


Background. At present, many countries (including Ukraine) emphasize the priority of their strategic course for innovation development of the economy.
An integral part of the economy innovation development is the innovation development of its enterprises, which efficiency depends on synthesis between Management of Innovation Development and Strategic Management. Therefore, clarification of the essence and multivariability of innovation development strategies are relevant problems.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of enterprises innovation activity (incl. the issues of strategic management of their innovation development) have been researched in the scientific papers of foreign and domestic scholars.
The aim of the study is to clarify the nature and classification of innovation development strategies. In accordance with the aim, the following objectives were formulated: to carry out a critical analysis of the existing definitions of the concept of «strategy of innovation development»; to determine the interrelations between the strategy of innovation development, technology-basedand innovative strategies of the enterprise; to systematize scientific approaches to the classification of innovation development strategies, defining their multivariability.
Materials and methods. The information base of the research was the scientific publications of foreign and domestic scientists on the issue of the strategic management of enterprises innovation development, and data collected during the survey of managers of Ukrainian enterprises. To achieve the aim and objectives there were used the following methods: system analysis, morphological analysis, comparison method, questionnaire survey.
The results of the research. According to the results of the critical analysis of various definitions of the concept of «strategy of the enterprise innovation development», its content is specified. It is proposed in the narrow sense to define the strategy of the enterprise innovation development as a general plan or model of the company’s activities on the market, the realization of which is aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the enterprise innovation development. In the broad sense, a strategy of innovation development has been defined as a general plan or a model of action that will allow to change the state of the enterprise and its competitive position in the strategic perspective through innovations and achievement of strategic goals of its innovation development, setting and realization of which should take place on a scientifically grounded basis that taking into account market opportunities and threats, as well as the existing preconditions for the enterprise innovation development (including the level of its innovation potential and the available intellect capital).
The differences and interrelations between the strategy of innovation development, technology-basedstrategy and innovative strategies of the enterprise are determined.
It is proved that innovative can be called any completely new strategy for a particular company or enterprise, regardless of the level of management where it is developed and implemented. It is established that the strategy of innovation development is a strategy of business level of management. It is also substantiated that the technology-basedstrategy is developed at the functional level of management in the case of the presence of a special research unit at the enterprise.
It is proposed to improve the classification of innovation development strategies and to supplement it with such classification features as the degree of novelty and the type of dominant innovation changes. According to the first classification feature, it is proposed to allocate innovative, simulation and retro-innovative strategies of innovation development. According to the type of dominant innovation changes, the following multivariability strategies are proposed: product-oriented innovation development; process-oriented innovation development; marketing-oriented innovation development; organizationally oriented innovation development and innovation development with a combined orientation, which involves the introduction from two to four types of innovations in the development process (without the dominance of any one type).
Conclusions. It is revealed some confusion in modern defining the concepts of «strategyof innovation development» (or «an innovation strategy»), «innovative strategy»and «technology-basedstrategy», which complicates the system of communication interaction in the strategic management of enterprise development. The non-identity of these concepts is substantiated, despite the fact that between them were determined clear direct and indirect interconnections in the process of enterprise strategic management. It is proposed to supplement the existing classification of innovation development strategies, which will help to improve the process of choosing innovation development strategies in practice.
The results of the study may be further used to improve the tools for choosing innovation development strategies and to solve other problems of strategic management of enterprises development.
Keywords: strategy of innovation development, enterprise, technology-based strategy, innovative strategies, classification, strategic management, innovation, IT-technologies.