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UDC 341:[004:738]
Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department
of general legal disciplines
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor
of the department of general legal disciplines
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
of the Department of World Economy and International Economic
Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv 


Background. In the present stage the development of economic relations the functioning of information networks determines the legislative and economic principles of society’s life. The need to prevent criminalization and unmanageability of the development of systems of international e-commerce necessitates the introduction of weighted legal measures that can promote the development of private business in this area.
The aim of the article.On the basis of the research of legislative regulation of international e-commerce in the present stage, an analysis of the theoretical foundations and main directions of formation and development of the system of international legislative support of electronic commerce in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the article forms the system of general scientific methods of cognition, scientific induction and deduction, the method of comparison, synthesis and abstraction. In addition, the article uses separate varieties of generally accepted scientific principles of research, as well as special principles of scientific and legal knowledge: creative-critical and descriptive-analytical, as well as the method of historicism.
The information basis of the article is the legal acts of international institutions, foreign and national directories, monographic and periodical literature, the legislative basis of the European Commission and the World Trade Organization.
Results. Despite the significant period of time and the number of international legislative acts aimed at regulating legal relations on the Internet, there are a number of scientific and practical issues that have not received proper legal support. In particular, economic relations deserve the greatest attention on the Internet (e-money, trade deals, and financial flows). In the present stage, there are several levels of legislative regulation of e-commerce: international, regional (within the framework of integration groups) and national. This determines the need for international legislative regulation of relationships on the Internet, the unification of existing standards and rules for e-commerce.
Conclusion. The issue of international e-commerce plays a significant role in the system of the main priorities of the leading countries of the world. It is precisely electronic commerce in the age of information society that occupies a key place in the structure of the new economy. At the expert and political levels, the activity aimed at developing e-commerce, which is a powerful lever of economic growth, is an essential platform for the transition of national economies to a qualitatively new stage of development oriented mainly on high-tech information technologies.
Keywords: e-commerce, e-business, unification of e-commerce legal regulation, international electronic trade, Model Lawon Electronic Commerce, Internet technologies.