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UDC 364.3(477)   DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/zt.knute.2019(105)07
STOZHOK Liudmyla,
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ORCID: 0000-0003-1424-763X
  Candidate of Economic Sciences, Applicant at the Personnel Management
and Labour Economics Department, State Higher Educational Institution (SHEI) «Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman»,
54/1, Prospect Peremohy, Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine


Background. One of the ways to ensure proper social protection of workers from social risks is the formation of a national social insurance system, the effectiveness of which requires the study in a historical context. It should be noted that in spite of the urgency of the issue, the only vision for the formation of an effective system of social insurance has not been formed.
The aim of the article is to study the historical stages of the development of social insurance in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The basis of the study is formed by following methods: historical-logical, system-structural analysis, generalization.
Results. The main stages of the formation of the social insurance system have been investigated, which have been proved by the fact that the improvement of the social insurance system was carried out under the influence of socio-economic changes happened in the country. It was revealed that during the period of Ukraine's stay in the USSR, all working people were covered by social insurance, but the system provided with only covering the social needs at the minimum level. The period of independence was marked by the introduction of insurance principles in the social insurance system, the development and optimization of social insurance institutions, but the system has not yet acquired the financial capacity.
Conclusion. Reforms in the social insurance system occurred as a result of changes in the state and social order, its development evolved along with society. But the current state of the functioning of the system indicates the dissatisfaction of the majority of the population with the functioning of social institutions, the level of effectiveness of social programs. Accordingly, the main task is to form an effective model which would be financially capable and socially fair.

Keywords: social protection, social insurance, social risk, social justice, social responsibility.  


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