UDC 346.548:616-036.21 | DOI: |
MYKYTENKO Liudmyla E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ORCID: 0000-0002-5365-3377 |
Candidate of Juridical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of International Private, Commercial and Civil Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine |
Background. The government's introduction of a significant number of restrictive measures has led to the cancellation of flights, cultural and other events, postponement or remote (online) execution.
The study focuses on the issue of consumer rights in the field of services, in particular on the return of funds for canceled services (flights) during quarantine measures of COVID-19.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. In their scientific works, scientists have analyzed the legal problems of changing the paradigm of consumer protection. However, the emergence of new types of violations of consumer rights in connection with the introduction of quarantine COVID-19, requires systematic study and research to ensure the implementation of consumer protection.
Theaim of the study–to carry out a legal analysis of situations, refusals of business entities to return funds for canceled activities (flights) during the quarantine of COVID-19, to outline ways of the rights protection of consumers in such situations; to analyze examples of good practice from the European Community of disputes resolving arising during quarantine activities with dishonest businesses.
Materials and methods. General scientific and specific research methods were used to elaborate on the topic outlined.
Results. The government's introduction of a significant number of restrictive measures has led to the cancellation of flights, cultural and other events, postponement or remote (online) execution.
The study focuses on the issue of consumer rights in the field of services, in particular on the return of funds for canceled services (flights) during quarantine measures of COVID-19.A legal analysis of the situations that has caused certain losses to consumers was carried out, and at the same time, business representatives irresponsibly turned the situation in their favor.
The ways of the consumers’ rights protection in case of refusal of the business entity to implement consumer’s rights have been identified.
Examples of good practices of the European community to resolve disputes arising for consumers during quarantine measures while dealing with dishonest business entities have been given.
Effective mechanisms for consumer rights protection in Ukraine have been proposed.
Conclusion. The introduction of measures to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 in Ukraine has once again demonstrated the complete insecurity of the consumer community against dishonest business and the lack of effective, targeted state mechanisms to protect consumer rights.
Underestimation by the state authorities of Ukraine of the crucial role of the consumer, who is the main investor in the domestic market, fully offsets the rights of consumers enshrined in Art. 4 of the Law of Ukraine «On Consumer Protection»cause complete distrust of consumers in the force of law and state protection of their consumer rights.
In Ukraine, it is necessary to introduce and develop new, progressive platforms for consumer appeals, provide them with free legal assistance in resolving controversial issues, promote the development of consumer organizations that would be dated and supported by the state.
Keywords: consumer, consumer protection, performance of works, provision of services, refunding, canceled events / flights.
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