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Ilchenko H. Organizacijno pravovi formy jurydychnyh osib: anglijs'ke ta ukrai'ns'ke pravo. Zovnishnja torgivlja: ekonomika, finansy, pravo. 2021. № 1. S. 32-42. Serija. Jurydychni nauky.


UDC 347.19   DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/zt.knute.2021(114)04
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ORCID: 0000-0003-1996-7062
  Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine


Background. Among the many issues raised in the field of scientific discussion, it is necessary to highlight a critical view of how the Civil Code of Ukraine regulates the legal status of legal entities and their types. Given that one of the tasks of working group on recoding (updating) the civil legislation of Ukraine is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of existing civil law of Ukraine and identify areas of private law relations that need to be brought into line with global trends in private law, it is advisable to analyze the types of legal entities under English law.
Theaim of the articleis a comparative analysis of the legal regulation of types of legal entities in Ukraine and the UK in the context of the proposed recoding of the Civil Code of Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The normative base of the study is the Acts of Ukraine, Acts of the UK and information provided on the official government website of the country. The methodological basis of the study were general scientific and special legal methods of cognition.
Results. The Civil Code of Ukraine does not provide an exhaustive list of types of legal entities under private law, which in turn leads to confusion and uncertainty. Types of legal entities are scattered under various regulations. In general, Subsection 2 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, entitled "Legal Entities", has undergone significant changes since the adoption of this Code. When studying the main types of legal entities regulated by current legislation, taking into account the existing terminological discrepancy between Civil Code of Ukraine and Commercial Code of Ukraine, should be taken as the basis of the norms of the Civil Code of Ukraine. However, consider in which area these legal entities operate and whether they are for profit.
Among the most common forms of legal entities in the world are joint stock companies and limited liability companies.
Conclusion. Given the commitments made by Ukraine in signing the Association Agreement, as well as trends in the Europeanization of private law in post-Soviet countries, it is appropriate to update the Civil Code of Ukraine to take into account a number of aspects proposed by the author of this article.

limited liability partnership, joint stock company, company, partnership, firm, enterprise, legal entity.


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