Dediayeva L. M. Export opportunities of Ukraine in the post-crisis period 4
Stuchlíková Z. Japanese trade deficit after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 11
Yankovyi O. H.,
Yankovyi V. O. 
Assessment of the priority of investment projects 19
Kosheliok H. V. Classification of cash flows of the enterprise in modern conditions 32
Laktionova O. A.,
Lukianenko A. S. 
Methodological approaches to assessment of the level of financial restrictions of corporation 41
Polishchuk S. V. The analysis of approaches to budgeting organization 48
Horbachenko S. A. Introduction of innovative financing mechanisms of seaports of Ukraine 57
Stepanova M. O.,
Stepanova I. V. 
The definition of the essence of working capital 63
Shcherban A. A. Assessment of the risk of innovative projects on the example of oilfield companies of Ukraine 68
Tsupryk O. I. Preconditions and conceptual basis of introduction of mandatory funded pension system in Ukraine 75
Omelchenko O. Yu. Kinds of income and expenses of the bank, their accounting in terms of new tax field activity 83
Pampura O. I. The development of investment and innovative activity in Ukraine 89
Molokhova Ya. O. The budget system of Ukraine: formation and development 93
Silakova N. Ye. The analysis of the processes of investment in higher professional education system of Ukraine 99
Malikova I. P. Peculiarities of realization of the insurance product in the financial services market 106
Hura O. L. Concession as a form of private investments involvement 112
Rybynska L. O. Regulation of internal and legal activity of UNICEF 118
Rybynskyi Ye. I. The powers of the group of states and their principles of activity against money laundering 122
Kvach Ya. P.,
Borysova L. P. 
The development of innovative entrepreneurship within clusters as a source of economic growth of the region 127
Koval V. V. State regulation of the oligopolistic structure of the telecommunication market of Ukraine 134
Bolhov V. Ye. The analysis of Innovative development of Ukraine regions 141
Podmazko O. M. Shadow economy: essence and structure 148
Vasylieva V. V. The innovative potential of high school in the period of renewable development of economy of the country 156