Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector on scientific work of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
KUDLAI Tetyana,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant department of hotel and restaurant business of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. The urgency of the use of Internet technology in the hospitality industry is becoming commonplace as booking a large proportion of services in the hotel industry enterprises is directly over the Internet. However, the results showed no single environment that would provide information about data saturation hotel chains operating in Ukraine. To this end, developed structural and logical scheme of integration of hotel networks, national and international levels through a single information portal, which will differ in that multilingualism provide information, the possibility of booking a comparison of all bids network feedback in real time and enable hotel services to the consumer to enter into a joint program of loyalty.
The aim of the study is to analyze the current information support network of hotel enterprises, operating in the market of hotel services in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The basis of the study served as a set of scientific methods as synthesis, comparative analysis, statistical analysis and synthesis that generally allowed to determine and justify modern trends of hotel chains, process data records hotel operators and their official websites, to analyze the dynamics of the domestic market of hotel services, to assess the main problems and outline prospects. The information base for the study was the work of domestic and foreign scientists, statistical data and Internet sources, as well as the results of individual studies of national and international hotel operators operating on the domestic market.
Results. Based on the analysis of the theory and the study of modern practices of hotel operators in the market of hotel services in Ukraine the ways of integrating hotel chains by developing structural and logical scheme of integration of hotel networks, national and international levels through a single information portal that will ensure the effective functioning of the national market.
Conclusions. Given the above, you should make integration processes in the market of hotel services to enhance information interaction among the hospitality industry, including hotel operators both international and national levels. This integration will enable the network to lobby interests of Ukrainian hotel market to create a positive image of the hotel operators to improve the quality of hotel services and meet the needs of consumers.