Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor of marketing and advertising at
Vinnytsa Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. Effective development of the agricultural sector and improvement of its competitiveness are the main priorities of reforming the national economy of Ukraine. In the context of globalization domestic producers of agricultural products need more effective use of the principles of international marketing activities to work on the global market and be competitive as well as be able to effectively and profitably perform business operations on a global scale, quickly adapt agribusiness processes to European requirements.
The aim of the study is marketing research of markets of agricultural products abroad, studying world exports and imports structure.
Materials and methods. Marketing research of the current state of the market of agricultural products abroad has been carried using the materials of official statistics of the European Union, International Monetary Fund, the World Bank Group. Systematic and logical approaches to analyzing complex processes and phenomena in the international marketing environment are the main methodological foundation.
Results. Doing market research of agricultural products abroad one has to keep in mind that the world market includes more than 200 national markets with its own characteristics, which is the basis for the international diversification strategy development as a basic strategy of agribusiness.
Without a detailed study of the market of agricultural products it is almost impossible to correctly assess capabilities of domestic companies, because it requires comparison of the elements and its requirements with the appropriate parameters of the company. The dynamic development of the global market requires constant monitoring and prospective analysis. The growth rate of agricultural products sales in 2014 reached its highest level of 4,3% on 2000 in China. Among the EU markets 15 most developed countries who owned 90% of this figure traditionally dominated.
Conclusion. Current state of international markets features growth in world trade in food, outstripping the growth rate of sales of agricultural products, intensification of the global food system formation. During 2013–2014 years the market of agricultural products shows growth despite the difficult political and economic situation in the world and Ukraine. Changes in global economic development have consequences for the agricultural market. Key factors that influenced the development of foreign markets of agricultural products in 2014 were exchange rates, level of international trade, which caused changes in prices of agricultural products, production and consumption volumes and foreign trade of the world countries. Despite some progress, this industry requires continuous financial support from manufacturers, introduction of advanced technology of agricultural production, compliance with international quality system, expanding the partnership between the world markets.