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UDC 339.137:339.9
Postgraduate of chair of international trade of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Background. In terms of the new knowledge-based socio-economic formation the problem of implementation of the new «metric system» assessment of the effectiveness of intangible assets management raises extremely acutely. During the search of the latest paradigm of international management the marketing assets can become its leading tool.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. International marketing as a science emerged relatively recently and a concept was introduced by H. Davidson in 1983. The interest of scientists in this subject is steadily growing, in particular on the attempts to uncover the role of these assets in international business, to determine the optimal structure of the investigated assets, to assess the effectiveness of their use. Despite the high scientific interest in this subject, the authors are unable to find understanding in the formation of an unitary approach to the optimal structure of the elements of marketing assets system.
The aim of this article is to define the role of marketing assets in the system of modern strategic management, to form the unified marketing assets system and to assess its impact extent on the effectiveness of international companies’ activities.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the article is formal and structural-logical method, which allowed to systematize the views of leading scholars concerning the role of marketing assets in international management. The leading rating systems, which key characteristics of assessment are the closest to the qualitative characteristics of management effectiveness of these assets are the empirical basis for the regression analysis of selected assets influence on the effectiveness of international companies’ activity.
Results. It was proved the determinant role of marketing assets as an effective set of tools of international marketing. In particular, there was proposed the own aggregated system of analyzed assets (the so-called «octagon»), and mathematically defined the degree of influence of each of them on the profit level generated by international companies.
Conclusion. The results of the analysis show that the most powerful assets are: the brand, the availability of a formalized marketing strategy and marketing innovations. The consumer loyalty, marketing information system, internal marketing, company reputation and network assets have a slightly less impact.

Keywords: marketing assets, strategic management, marketing tools, marketing mix, 4P-, 4C concept, profitability of international companies, correlation analysis.