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UDC 005.591.6(4)
Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor of Department of Finance
of Vinnytsa Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
SITASH Tetiana,
Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor of Department of Finance
of Vinnytsa Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Background. In the conditions of reforming of economy of Ukraine one of the most important tasks is to ensure the competitiveness of domestic goods and services in national and international markets. It requires the acceleration of development of innovation processes in enterprises of different ownership forms.
Currently, innovation is a powerful catalyst and a solid guarantee for high-performance business. One of the main conditions of success of the firm in the competition is its ability to permanent innovations, that is, the ability to develop and introduce new products to market. The rapid development of the innovation sector of Ukraine and the obvious advantages of applying the latest achievements of science in everyday activities of domestic enterprises encourage the present businessmen to increase the innovative potential. The policy of innovative development in Ukraine will allow reorganizing the economy by improving high-tech industries, the introduction of advanced high-tech processes, development and production of new competitive products.
The aim of the article is the study of problems of innovative development in Ukraine and the designation of areas for their solution, taking account of the requirements of the present.
Materials and methods. Information materials used in the work, became the State statistics service of Ukraine on the economic development of the state, the Economic code and the Law of Ukraine «On innovation activity», works of foreign and domestic scholars. For the study of diverse economic processes, which have implemented innovative technology, the authors applied the dialectical method of research, statistic to study the effects of innovation activity and comparative for the processing content of the modernization changes.
Results. Now in terms of the of neoeconomy formation innovation becomes a powerful catalyst for economic development, a safe deposit of highly efficient business. The authors analyzed the state of innovation in the Ukrainian state and highlighted the basic problems and principles of development, which consist in creating conditions for the preservation, elevation and the use of scientific-technical and innovation potential, and providing business development, research and production sectors etc. Perspectives innovation through the implementation of innovative projects of economic entities of different ownership forms were defined.
Conclusion. Research of innovative activity of the domestic enterprises show that even those enterprises, innovative activity of which is higher, cannot significantly improve the financial results because of the lack of purposeful search of all possibilities utilizing in the existing technology, external environment, favorable location, the qualifications of the staff etc. It requires the development of conceptual foundations and methodology of such research which lies in the plane of development of innovation activity, adequate to the capabilities of the enterprise and the conditions of its management and also creating an effective system for managing the implementation of innovations.
Keywords: innovations, innovation activity, innovation project, innovation potential.