УВАГА! Нова платформа наукового журналу "Зовнішня торгівля: економіка, фінанси, право".
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Ph.D. in Economics, associate Professor of Department of marketing and advertising,
of Vinnytsa Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Background. International diversification is one of the major strategic routes of the company activity. This process requires high managerial competence and proper management structure formation, because the company has to develop a marketing strategy not only for every business, but also for each country considering national and regional peculiarities of the market and consumption patterns of the product.
The analysis of recent researches and publications. The works of many domestic scientists are dedicated to the research of various aspects of economic diversification. However, the question of definition of the essence of international business activities diversification of domestic agricultural enterprises and mechanisms of their development isn’t studied enough, and therefore they require appropriate attention.
The aim of the article is conduction of a study of production structure of domestic agricultural enterprises and the dynamics of their export-import operations in modern terms of development.
Materials and methods. The research is carried out on the basis of the materials of State Statistics Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the trade statistics for international business development, research project AGRICISTRADE, etc. The system approach to the assessment of the business activity of domestic agrarian enterprises became the main methodological basis.
Results. The formation of a new trade regime with its subsequent integration into the world economy became one of the most important aspects of foreign economic activity of Ukraine since the declaration of independence was signed. The leading role in this process belonged to the formation and implementation of foreign policy of Ukraine by gradual increase of the degree of openness of the national economy.
The author of the article analyzed the structure of production and consumption of agricultural products, the dynamics of export-import operations of Ukraine with it. The potential opportunities of domestic agricultural enterprises in terms of international diversification of business activities are determined.
Conclusion. Despite the difficult financial situation in Ukraine, contraction of retail, corruption and bureaucratic obstacles for doing business only agricultural industry shows positive indicators of development, playing the leading role in the formation of the country's GDP.
The increase of export volumes by small agribusiness enterprises, which form the main part of the agricultural sector of economy as it is a source of foreign exchange earnings, is a potential opportunity of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine in terms of international diversification of business activities. Currently, there is an urgent need in the creation of an institutional basis for the implementation of state support of the introduction of financial instruments of export development that will provide further development and expansion of domestic economic potential and consolidation on traditional and new sales markets. Ukraine has to become a global leader on the world agricultural market.
Keywords: business activity, diversification, agricultural products, exports, imports, diversification of export, quotas, foreign trade.