Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor
of Department of marketing and advertising,
at Vinnytsa Institute of Trade and Economics
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. The study of the marketing environment of the overseas market of the country allows developing a system of indicators, criteria and factors that should be considered by agricultural businesses during the previous market analysis is a component of the information system of international marketing. Under this system the socio-cultural, technological, economic, political and legal groups of indicators are systematized. When choosing those or other methods of evaluating attractiveness of international markets it is relevant that in terms of international diversification of business activities the agricultural enterprises are unable to follow dogmatic, universal solution, as this process requires creativity, aimed at meeting the requirements of a particular consumer in a particular market and time period.
The analysis of recent researches and publications. Considering methods of evaluating marketing attractiveness of international markets, the vast majority of authors associate it with the market indicators regarding the state of its business environment. In some scientific works the concept of assessment of the international market means the traditional scheme of processing of results of marketing research that includes selection of target segments and positioning products in the market.
The aim of the study was to develop a system of indicators of marketing attractiveness of projects of international cooperation in terms of diversification of business activities of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine and assessment of their capacity to potential markets of Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Italy, China, Switzerland and Japan.
Materials and methods. The study of marketing attractiveness of the potential markets of Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Italy, China, Switzerland, Japan carried out on materials of official statistics of the Organization for economic cooperation and development, European Union, International monetary Fund, world Bank Group etc. The Main methodological basis is the system approach to evaluating the attractiveness of international markets.
Results. In the article the system of indicators of development of international markets is considered, which is important to be taken into consideration by the domestic enterprises of agrarian business when choosing target markets in international diversification of their business activities. The assessment of marketing potential attractiveness of the markets of Belgium, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, China and Japan according to the developed system of indicators is conducted. The results of expert assessment of the attractiveness of pre-defined markets in terms of international diversification of business activities on a 5-point scale are presented. The marketing attractiveness of foreign markets is evaluated; the degree of convergence of international markets is defined.
Conclusion. Marketing assessment of the attractiveness of international markets for agricultural enterprises of Ukraine can be determined analyzing the system of indicators, criteria and factors that must be considered during decision-making regarding the implementation of its economic interests in the international diversification of their business activities.
Hereat there are tangible problems of adaptation of domestic agricultural products to the quality standards of these countries, as the Ukrainian agricultural companies should "think globally and act locally". To enter the markets of Belgium, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Japan and not to lose sustainable competitive advantage, companies need to combine different approaches – standardization (priority performance indicators of own production) and adaptation (marketing to the specific needs of different markets).
Keywords: agricultural products, diversification of business activities, convergence of international markets, marketing attractiveness of international markets.