Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector on scientific work
of the Kiev National University of Trade and Economics
KUDLAI Tetiana,
Ph. D. in Economics, senior lecturer of the Department of hotel and restaurant business
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Background. The development of the hotel business, which, during the last decade, is characterized by dynamic and a high degree of internationalization of the capital is a catalyst for economic growth, as it acts as the channel of redistribution of incomes between countries. Currently the entrance of national hotel operators on the international hotel market and on the European market in general, can be considered as bilateral cooperation in order to strengthen the competitiveness development of the tourism industry of the country. In conditions of international cooperation, domestic scholars should help national operators to keep the position of leading practitioners of hotel business on the Ukraine market and increase the potential of their entrance on the international market of hotel services.
The analysis of recent researches and publications. Problems of theory and practice of activity of hotel chains are reflected in the works of many foreign and domestic scholars. While acknowledging the importance of scientific results of these authors, we should mention the presence of unresolved issues related to the specifics of the activity of hotel chains that operate directly on the terms of contract management as the development and expansion of chains under this form of management is not an established phenomenon on the national hotel market and needs more detailed study.
The aim of the research is identification and justification of an effective mechanism of the entrance of competitive national hotel operators on the international market precisely through contract management.
Materials and methods. The basis of conducted research was a set of scientific methods such as: generalization, comparative analysis, analysis and synthesis. The works of domestic and foreign scientists, materials of Internet sources, and the results of individual studies of the activity of the international and national hotel operators which operate on the domestic market became the information basis of the research.
The results of the research. The entrance of national operators on the international market of hotel services is due to the development and saturation of the national market, fostering of international operators on the national hotel market, the availability of the necessary material and intangible resources, the need for new sales markets of hotel services. The mechanism of the entrance of competitive national hotel operators on the international market of services is grounded and factors of its impact are identified by the authors. The most economically advantageous form of the management of hotel industry enterprise that can operate successfully on foreign markets is grounded using the «decision tree».
Conclusion. The use of methodological tools of management and certain elements of mathematical tools allow taking grounded decisions related to further development and expansion of the activity of hotel chains and operator in general on the international market of hotel services.
Keywords: hotel services market, hotel operator, hotel chain, decision tree, internal factors and external factors.