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UDC 368.9.06
ZAMKOVA Nataliya,
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Director
of the Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute
of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
of the Department of Finance of the Vinnytsia Trade and Economic
Institute of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 


BackgroundNowadays the question of introducing obligatory medical insurance has become highly urgent together with the necessity for reforming health care system. Currently, Soviet structure of health care is outdated and free medicine is, in fact, inefficient within present situation. It resulted in the attendance of the inevitable consequent transferring to the so-called principle «Money follows the patient», which meant implementation of medical insurance, by which nearly all the reformers had to make a hard choice as for the medical insurance model, most suitable for the state.
Material and methods. The works of domestic and foreign scholars have become the theoretical and methodological basis of the article. The research was conducted using the methods of theoretical generalization, comparative analysis, analysis and synthesis, which allowed to substantiate the directions of introduction of health insurance in Ukraine.
Results. Authors of the current article have studied the notions of «insurance medicine»and «medical insurance», examined the key principles and main tasks of the world’s best insurance medicine practice. Financial aspects of medical insurance development in Ukraine, basing on the international experience, have been analyzed in this paper. It has been proved, that the only way to provide qualitative health care without financial stress for the citizens is the assignment of medical financing through establishing state associated medical insurance, which can turn into the background for potential implementing classical common medical insurance in future.
Conclusion. The researchers of the current issue have verified that the problem of introducing and implementing into Ukrainian practice the innovative model of health care financing, in accordance with the principles of medical insurance, is very urgent for our country nowadays. Regarding the Concept of Reforming Health Care System, implementation of such model might be performed within three stages, which are expected to be finished by 2020. Correct realization of this reform of health care system will solve all the problems and support all the citizens of our country with possibilities to enter proper European level of medical service, which can be available only after transferring Ukrainian health care system to financing model based on state associated medical insurance for all the citizens, applying funds, which have been accumulated in the state budget for this purpose.
Keywordsmedical insurance, insurance medicine, medical service, financing, health care system.