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UDC 338.483.1   DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/zt.knute.2019(105)05
KYFIAK Olexander,
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ORCID: 0000-0003-3689-8548
  Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Marketing, Innovation and Regional Development, Y. Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
Kotsiubynsky str., 2, Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine


Background. United Territorial Communities (UTCs) are ideally suited to the formation of tourist destinations, based on them, which can attract tourists and satisfy their diverse needs.
In order to form a tourist destination, it is necessary to have not only attractive natural recreational resources and prominent tourist attractions, but also an appropriate infrastructure. Therefore, determining the availability of tourist resources, establishing opportunities for the formation of tourist destinations of different types and highlighting the benefits for the formation of tourist destinations require relevant scientific research.
An analysis of recent studies and publications has revealed that the formation of UTCs in border areas and the development of tourist destinations, based on them, are poorly researched.
The aim of scientific research is to substantiate the possibilities of formation and development of tourist destinations on the basis of the united territorial communities and provide a new impetus to the development of tourism in the western Ukrainian cross-border areas.
Materials and methods. The information-methodological base of research is the scientific works of well-known scholars, the legislation of Ukraine, the data from regional state administrations, methodical manuals and Internet resources. For the accomplishment of the tasks and achievement of the research purpose, the methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization, observation and comparison are applied.
Results. The results of the analysis of the Ukrainian legislation testify that in making decisions on the voluntary association of territorial communities, the historical, natural, ethnic, cultural and other factors that influence the socio-economic development of UTC are taken into account. The processes of creation of UTCs in the western Ukrainian border areas are investigated and the available tourist resources have been identified, which helped to establish the possibilities of forming various types of tourist destinations and highlighting the advantages of UTC.
Examples of the most well-known UTCs are presented, where various types of tourist destinations are successfully created and operated. The classification of tourist destinations is proposed, depending on available tourist resources in the community. The factors of influence and possibilities of forming tourist destinations on the basis of united territorial communities and their effective functioning are specified.
Conclusion. When forming tourist destinations it is necessary to take into account that the destination serves as a geographical space, is the purpose of a tourist visit, a set of services integrated into a tourist product, is the subject of competition and the object of entrepreneurship.
The formation and development of tourist destinations for UTC is income to local budgets, creation of new vacancies, development of special and general infrastructure and further socio-economic development of the territory.

Keywords: united territorial communities, tourism, tourist destinations, formation, development, resources, attraction point, tourist center.  


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