UDC 330.132.2:061.1ЄС | DOI: https://doi.org/10.31617/zt.knute.2020(109)04 |
BOIAR Andrii
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DSc (Economics), professor of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University 203/28, Vynnychenko str., Lutsk, 43021, Ukraine |
An attempt is made to differentiate utility that member states receive from their participation in a particular international union. Determinants and components of integration utility are considered as well as possible methods to estimate the latter are discussed. One of the methods (in particular index technique) is applied with respect to the EU. The composite indexes of integration utility, calculated in this way, show significant per-state variation of integration benefits in the EU.
Keywords: integration, utility, international union, member state, European Union, index, benefit.
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