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Honcharova Yu., Udovenko M. Reguljuvannja dijal'nosti transnacional'nyh korporacij: evoljucija priorytetiv. Zovnishnja torgivlja: ekonomika, finansy, pravo. 2021. № 4. S. 4-16. Serija. Jurydychni nauky.
UDC 339.92 | DOI: |
JEL Classification: K13, K23, K33 |
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Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of International, Civil and Commercial Law Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine |
Applicant for higher education of «Master» degree Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine |
Background. The legal status of TNCs in international law has become a separate topic of scientific discussions, which, among other things, concerned the influence of TNCs on the sovereignty of states. Digitalization, globalization and modern imperatives of formation of global value chains actualize the subject of relations between the international community and TNCs, which requires retrospective analysis, separation and substantiation of certain stages of formation of such relations.
An analysis of recent research and publications has revealed that a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of international legal regulation of TNCs through the prism of the priorities of the international community has not been conducted, which determines the relevance of the study.
The aim of the article is to analyze the genesis of the relationship between TNCs and the international community through the prism of the priorities of the international community at certain historical stages.
Materials and methods. The normative basis of the study were UN documents, decisions of the UN International Court of Justice. The methodological basis of the study is general scientific and special legal methods of cognition.
Results. The existing definitions of the terms «transnational corporation», «multinational enterprise», «multinational corporation», «global corporation», «group of multinational companies» in various documents of international law are considered. The genesis of the formation of international legal norms on the activities of transnational corporations is analyzed, the priorities of the international community in certain historical periods are highlighted. Key tasks for regulating the activities of transnational corporations are forecasted.
Conclusion. The phenomenon of TNCs remains one of the imperatives in the development of international law and the subject of activity of international governmental and non-governmental organizations. It is established that the priorities of the international community are gradually changing in the direction of complexity - from the purely socio-economic situation in developing countries to the role of TNCs in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, with special focus on protection of human rights in the activities of TNCs.
Keywords: transnational corporation, human rights, United Nations, corporate responsibility.
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