Chvalyuk A., BabinB. Pryncypy perehidnogo pravosuddja. Zovnishnja torgivlja: ekonomika, finansy, pravo. 2021.
№ 4. S. 96-106. Serija. Jurydychni nauky.
UDC 343.1+316.485.2(477) | DOI: |
JEL Classification К33 |
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Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Special Law Disciplines, Donetsk State University of Management 58, Karpinsky str., Mariupol, 87513, Ukraine |
BABIN Borys E-mail: Ця електронна адреса захищена від спам-ботів. вам потрібно увімкнути JavaScript, щоб побачити її. ORCID: 0000-0002-9317-3845 |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Expert of the Crimean Reintegration Association 14 avenue del’Opéra, Paris, 75001, France |
Background. The issue of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories was emphasized by the President of Ukraine as one of the priority areas of work of the Commission on Legal Reform. Instructing to develop a concept of transitional justice in 2019, the President said that it should include measures to compensate victims of war, bring to trial those guilty of serious crimes, realize the right to receive the truth about the course of the conflict. However, neither the country’s leadership nor the scientific community has yet determined the principles on which these measures should be implemented.
Analysis of recent research and publications has revealed that, when thinking about the principles of transitional justice policy, human rights activists and scholars use such language clichés as «directions», «measures», «main principles»,«postulates», «essence», «policy principles to support transitional justice». This creates some confusion that needs to be eliminated.
The aim of this article is to formulate the principles of the Ukrainian model of transitional justice.
Materials and methods. During the study, both general and special methods of cognition were used: dialectical, terminological, systemic, formal-logical, generalization, structural-functional, modelingand forecasting. The information base of the study was the norms of international law, national legislation and draft laws, expert opinions, works of domestic and foreign scientists.
Results. The article considers the principles on which the Ukrainian model of transitional justice should be based. Taking into account the fact that at the normative and doctrinal levels the consolidation of the principles of the domestic model of transitional justice has not yet taken place, the author offers his vision of the system of principles of the domestic model of transitional justice and outlines promising areas for their practical implementation.
Conclusion.The author believes that the basic system of principles of the domestic model of transitional justice should look like this: the primacy of international law; objective (judicial) truth; universal justice; post-conflict modernization of public relations; efficiency and timeliness.
Keywords: transitional justice, principles, model, measures, directions, reintegration of temporarily occupied territories.
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